=40才迄にフルマラソン挑戦記(終了)= =50才迄に3つの挑戦記(終了)= =   フリーCGI  他   = =    倉     庫    =


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mySQL error with query SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed FROM nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_item as i WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber AND i.icat = c.catid AND i.idraft = 0 AND i.iblog = 1 AND i.iblog = 1 and i.inumber=0 AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' ORDER BY i.itime DESC LIMIT -6, 1 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '-6, 1' at line 1

Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/BLOG.php [line] => 181 [function] => sql_query [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed FROM nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_item as i WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber AND i.icat = c.catid AND i.idraft = 0 AND i.iblog = 1 AND i.iblog = 1 and i.inumber=0 AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' ORDER BY i.itime DESC LIMIT -6, 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/NP_ShowBlogs.php [line] => 476 [function] => showUsingQuery [class] => BLOG [object] => BLOG Object ( [blogid] => 1 [selectedcatid] => 0 [isValid] => 1 [settings] => Array ( [bnumber] => 1 [bname] => 「まさ」のあれこれWeblog [bshortname] => masaweblog [bdesc] => [bcomments] => 1 [bmaxcomments] => 0 [btimeoffset] => 0.0 [bnotify] => masa@moto84.com [burl] => https://masa.moto84.com/blog/ [bupdate] => [bdefskin] => 1 [bpublic] => 1 [bconvertbreaks] => 1 [bdefcat] => 1 [bnotifytype] => 3 [ballowpast] => 1 [bincludesearch] => 1 [breqemail] => 0 [bfuturepost] => 0 [bauthorvisible] => 1 ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => stylishdef [1] => SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed FROM nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_item as i WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber AND i.icat = c.catid AND i.idraft = 0 AND i.iblog = 1 AND i.iblog = 1 and i.inumber=0 AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' ORDER BY i.itime DESC LIMIT -6, 1 [2] => 0 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/NP_ShowBlogs.php [line] => 463 [function] => _showUsingQuery [class] => NP_ShowBlogs [object] => NP_ShowBlogs Object ( [maxamount] => 0 [is_db_sqlite] => [is_db_mysql] => 1 [_aOptionValues] => Array ( ) [_aOptionToInfo] => Array ( [global_catnametoshow] => Array ( [oid] => 15 [default] => 0 ) [global_stickmode] => Array ( [oid] => 16 [default] => 1 ) ) [plugin_options] => Array ( [catnametoshow] => 0 [stickmode] => 1 ) [plugid] => 2 [plugin_dir_type] => 1 [plugin_admin_dir] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/showblogs/ [plugin_admin_url_prefix] => [skintype] => index [currPage] => 2 [pagestr] => page/ [showAdCode] => 1 [nowbid] => 1 [tagSelected] => 1 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => stylishdef [1] => SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed FROM nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_item as i WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber AND i.icat = c.catid AND i.idraft = 0 AND i.iblog = 1 AND i.iblog = 1 and i.inumber=0 AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' ORDER BY i.itime DESC [2] => -6 [3] => 6 [4] => BLOG Object ( [blogid] => 1 [selectedcatid] => 0 [isValid] => 1 [settings] => Array ( [bnumber] => 1 [bname] => 「まさ」のあれこれWeblog [bshortname] => masaweblog [bdesc] => [bcomments] => 1 [bmaxcomments] => 0 [btimeoffset] => 0.0 [bnotify] => masa@moto84.com [burl] => https://masa.moto84.com/blog/ [bupdate] => [bdefskin] => 1 [bpublic] => 1 [bconvertbreaks] => 1 [bdefcat] => 1 [bnotifytype] => 3 [ballowpast] => 1 [bincludesearch] => 1 [breqemail] => 0 [bfuturepost] => 0 [bauthorvisible] => 1 ) ) [5] => 0 ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/ACTIONS.php [line] => 1214 [function] => doSkinVar [class] => NP_ShowBlogs [object] => NP_ShowBlogs Object ( [maxamount] => 0 [is_db_sqlite] => [is_db_mysql] => 1 [_aOptionValues] => Array ( ) [_aOptionToInfo] => Array ( [global_catnametoshow] => Array ( [oid] => 15 [default] => 0 ) [global_stickmode] => Array ( [oid] => 16 [default] => 1 ) ) [plugin_options] => Array ( [catnametoshow] => 0 [stickmode] => 1 ) [plugid] => 2 [plugin_dir_type] => 1 [plugin_admin_dir] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/showblogs/ [plugin_admin_url_prefix] => [skintype] => index [currPage] => 2 [pagestr] => page/ [showAdCode] => 1 [nowbid] => 1 [tagSelected] => 1 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => index [1] => stylishdef [2] => 6 [3] => [4] => 2 ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/PARSER.php [line] => 135 [function] => parse_plugin [class] => ACTIONS [object] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object *RECURSION* [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => ShowBlogs [1] => stylishdef [2] => 6 [3] => [4] => 2 ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/PARSER.php [line] => 144 [function] => doAction [class] => PARSER [object] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object *RECURSION* ) [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => plugin ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/PARSER.php [line] => 88 [function] => doAction [class] => PARSER [object] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object *RECURSION* ) [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => ShowBlogs ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/SKIN.php [line] => 223 [function] => parse [class] => PARSER [object] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object *RECURSION* ) [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 40代からのランニング 「まさ」のあれこれウェイブログ <%TagEX(title)%> <%Benchmark%>

=40才迄にフルマラソン挑戦記(終了)= =50才迄に3つの挑戦記(終了)= =   フリーCGI  他   = =    倉     庫    =


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) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/globalfunctions.inc.php [line] => 653 [function] => parse [class] => SKIN [object] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => index ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/index.php [line] => 8 [function] => selector [args] => Array ( ) ) ) mySQL error with query SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed FROM nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_item as i WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber AND i.icat = c.catid AND i.idraft = 0 AND i.iblog = 1 AND i.iblog = 1 and i.inumber=0 AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' ORDER BY i.itime DESC LIMIT -5, 1 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '-5, 1' at line 1

Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/BLOG.php [line] => 181 [function] => sql_query [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed FROM nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_item as i WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber AND i.icat = c.catid AND i.idraft = 0 AND i.iblog = 1 AND i.iblog = 1 and i.inumber=0 AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' ORDER BY i.itime DESC LIMIT -5, 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/NP_ShowBlogs.php [line] => 488 [function] => showUsingQuery [class] => BLOG [object] => BLOG Object ( [blogid] => 1 [selectedcatid] => 0 [isValid] => 1 [settings] => Array ( [bnumber] => 1 [bname] => 「まさ」のあれこれWeblog [bshortname] => masaweblog [bdesc] => [bcomments] => 1 [bmaxcomments] => 0 [btimeoffset] => 0.0 [bnotify] => masa@moto84.com [burl] => https://masa.moto84.com/blog/ [bupdate] => [bdefskin] => 1 [bpublic] => 1 [bconvertbreaks] => 1 [bdefcat] => 1 [bnotifytype] => 3 [ballowpast] => 1 [bincludesearch] => 1 [breqemail] => 0 [bfuturepost] => 0 [bauthorvisible] => 1 ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => stylishdef [1] => SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed FROM nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_item as i WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber AND i.icat = c.catid AND i.idraft = 0 AND i.iblog = 1 AND i.iblog = 1 and i.inumber=0 AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' ORDER BY i.itime DESC LIMIT -5, 1 [2] => 0 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/NP_ShowBlogs.php [line] => 463 [function] => _showUsingQuery [class] => NP_ShowBlogs [object] => NP_ShowBlogs Object ( [maxamount] => 0 [is_db_sqlite] => [is_db_mysql] => 1 [_aOptionValues] => Array ( ) [_aOptionToInfo] => Array ( [global_catnametoshow] => Array ( [oid] => 15 [default] => 0 ) [global_stickmode] => Array ( [oid] => 16 [default] => 1 ) ) [plugin_options] => Array ( [catnametoshow] => 0 [stickmode] => 1 ) [plugid] => 2 [plugin_dir_type] => 1 [plugin_admin_dir] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/showblogs/ [plugin_admin_url_prefix] => [skintype] => index [currPage] => 2 [pagestr] => page/ [showAdCode] => 1 [nowbid] => 1 [tagSelected] => 1 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => stylishdef [1] => SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed FROM nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_item as i WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber AND i.icat = c.catid AND i.idraft = 0 AND i.iblog = 1 AND i.iblog = 1 and i.inumber=0 AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' ORDER BY i.itime DESC [2] => -5 [3] => 5 [4] => BLOG Object ( [blogid] => 1 [selectedcatid] => 0 [isValid] => 1 [settings] => Array ( [bnumber] => 1 [bname] => 「まさ」のあれこれWeblog [bshortname] => masaweblog [bdesc] => [bcomments] => 1 [bmaxcomments] => 0 [btimeoffset] => 0.0 [bnotify] => masa@moto84.com [burl] => https://masa.moto84.com/blog/ [bupdate] => [bdefskin] => 1 [bpublic] => 1 [bconvertbreaks] => 1 [bdefcat] => 1 [bnotifytype] => 3 [ballowpast] => 1 [bincludesearch] => 1 [breqemail] => 0 [bfuturepost] => 0 [bauthorvisible] => 1 ) ) [5] => 0 ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/ACTIONS.php [line] => 1214 [function] => doSkinVar [class] => NP_ShowBlogs [object] => NP_ShowBlogs Object ( [maxamount] => 0 [is_db_sqlite] => [is_db_mysql] => 1 [_aOptionValues] => Array ( ) [_aOptionToInfo] => Array ( [global_catnametoshow] => Array ( [oid] => 15 [default] => 0 ) [global_stickmode] => Array ( [oid] => 16 [default] => 1 ) ) [plugin_options] => Array ( [catnametoshow] => 0 [stickmode] => 1 ) [plugid] => 2 [plugin_dir_type] => 1 [plugin_admin_dir] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/showblogs/ [plugin_admin_url_prefix] => [skintype] => index [currPage] => 2 [pagestr] => page/ [showAdCode] => 1 [nowbid] => 1 [tagSelected] => 1 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => index [1] => stylishdef [2] => 6 [3] => [4] => 2 ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/PARSER.php [line] => 135 [function] => parse_plugin [class] => ACTIONS [object] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object *RECURSION* [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => ShowBlogs [1] => stylishdef [2] => 6 [3] => [4] => 2 ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/PARSER.php [line] => 144 [function] => doAction [class] => PARSER [object] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object *RECURSION* ) [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => plugin ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/PARSER.php [line] => 88 [function] => doAction [class] => PARSER [object] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object *RECURSION* ) [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => ShowBlogs ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/SKIN.php [line] => 223 [function] => parse [class] => PARSER [object] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object *RECURSION* ) [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 40代からのランニング 「まさ」のあれこれウェイブログ <%TagEX(title)%> <%Benchmark%>

=40才迄にフルマラソン挑戦記(終了)= =50才迄に3つの挑戦記(終了)= =   フリーCGI  他   = =    倉     庫    =


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) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/globalfunctions.inc.php [line] => 653 [function] => parse [class] => SKIN [object] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => index ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/index.php [line] => 8 [function] => selector [args] => Array ( ) ) ) mySQL error with query SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed FROM nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_item as i WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber AND i.icat = c.catid AND i.idraft = 0 AND i.iblog = 1 AND i.iblog = 1 and i.inumber=0 AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' ORDER BY i.itime DESC LIMIT -5, 1 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '-5, 1' at line 1

Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/NP_ShowBlogs.php [line] => 489 [function] => sql_query [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed FROM nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_item as i WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber AND i.icat = c.catid AND i.idraft = 0 AND i.iblog = 1 AND i.iblog = 1 and i.inumber=0 AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' ORDER BY i.itime DESC LIMIT -5, 1 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/NP_ShowBlogs.php [line] => 463 [function] => _showUsingQuery [class] => NP_ShowBlogs [object] => NP_ShowBlogs Object ( [maxamount] => 0 [is_db_sqlite] => [is_db_mysql] => 1 [_aOptionValues] => Array ( ) [_aOptionToInfo] => Array ( [global_catnametoshow] => Array ( [oid] => 15 [default] => 0 ) [global_stickmode] => Array ( [oid] => 16 [default] => 1 ) ) [plugin_options] => Array ( [catnametoshow] => 0 [stickmode] => 1 ) [plugid] => 2 [plugin_dir_type] => 1 [plugin_admin_dir] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/showblogs/ [plugin_admin_url_prefix] => [skintype] => index [currPage] => 2 [pagestr] => page/ [showAdCode] => 1 [nowbid] => 1 [tagSelected] => 1 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => stylishdef [1] => SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed FROM nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_item as i WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber AND i.icat = c.catid AND i.idraft = 0 AND i.iblog = 1 AND i.iblog = 1 and i.inumber=0 AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' ORDER BY i.itime DESC [2] => -5 [3] => 5 [4] => BLOG Object ( [blogid] => 1 [selectedcatid] => 0 [isValid] => 1 [settings] => Array ( [bnumber] => 1 [bname] => 「まさ」のあれこれWeblog [bshortname] => masaweblog [bdesc] => [bcomments] => 1 [bmaxcomments] => 0 [btimeoffset] => 0.0 [bnotify] => masa@moto84.com [burl] => https://masa.moto84.com/blog/ [bupdate] => [bdefskin] => 1 [bpublic] => 1 [bconvertbreaks] => 1 [bdefcat] => 1 [bnotifytype] => 3 [ballowpast] => 1 [bincludesearch] => 1 [breqemail] => 0 [bfuturepost] => 0 [bauthorvisible] => 1 ) ) [5] => 0 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/ACTIONS.php [line] => 1214 [function] => doSkinVar [class] => NP_ShowBlogs [object] => NP_ShowBlogs Object ( [maxamount] => 0 [is_db_sqlite] => [is_db_mysql] => 1 [_aOptionValues] => Array ( ) [_aOptionToInfo] => Array ( [global_catnametoshow] => Array ( [oid] => 15 [default] => 0 ) [global_stickmode] => Array ( [oid] => 16 [default] => 1 ) ) [plugin_options] => Array ( [catnametoshow] => 0 [stickmode] => 1 ) [plugid] => 2 [plugin_dir_type] => 1 [plugin_admin_dir] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/showblogs/ [plugin_admin_url_prefix] => [skintype] => index [currPage] => 2 [pagestr] => page/ [showAdCode] => 1 [nowbid] => 1 [tagSelected] => 1 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => index [1] => stylishdef [2] => 6 [3] => [4] => 2 ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/PARSER.php [line] => 135 [function] => parse_plugin [class] => ACTIONS [object] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object *RECURSION* [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => ShowBlogs [1] => stylishdef [2] => 6 [3] => [4] => 2 ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/PARSER.php [line] => 144 [function] => doAction [class] => PARSER [object] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object *RECURSION* ) [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => plugin ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/PARSER.php [line] => 88 [function] => doAction [class] => PARSER [object] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object *RECURSION* ) [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => ShowBlogs ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/SKIN.php [line] => 223 [function] => parse [class] => PARSER [object] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object *RECURSION* ) [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 40代からのランニング 「まさ」のあれこれウェイブログ <%TagEX(title)%> <%Benchmark%>

=40才迄にフルマラソン挑戦記(終了)= =50才迄に3つの挑戦記(終了)= =   フリーCGI  他   = =    倉     庫    =


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) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/globalfunctions.inc.php [line] => 653 [function] => parse [class] => SKIN [object] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => index ) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/index.php [line] => 8 [function] => selector [args] => Array ( ) ) ) mySQL error with query SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed FROM nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_item as i WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber AND i.icat = c.catid AND i.idraft = 0 AND i.iblog = 1 AND i.iblog = 1 and i.inumber=0 AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' ORDER BY i.itime DESC LIMIT -4,4 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '-4,4' at line 1

Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/BLOG.php [line] => 181 [function] => sql_query [args] => Array ( [0] => SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed FROM nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_item as i WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber AND i.icat = c.catid AND i.idraft = 0 AND i.iblog = 1 AND i.iblog = 1 and i.inumber=0 AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' ORDER BY i.itime DESC LIMIT -4,4 ) ) [1] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/NP_ShowBlogs.php [line] => 497 [function] => showUsingQuery [class] => BLOG [object] => BLOG Object ( [blogid] => 1 [selectedcatid] => 0 [isValid] => 1 [settings] => Array ( [bnumber] => 1 [bname] => 「まさ」のあれこれWeblog [bshortname] => masaweblog [bdesc] => [bcomments] => 1 [bmaxcomments] => 0 [btimeoffset] => 0.0 [bnotify] => masa@moto84.com [burl] => https://masa.moto84.com/blog/ [bupdate] => [bdefskin] => 1 [bpublic] => 1 [bconvertbreaks] => 1 [bdefcat] => 1 [bnotifytype] => 3 [ballowpast] => 1 [bincludesearch] => 1 [breqemail] => 0 [bfuturepost] => 0 [bauthorvisible] => 1 ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => stylishdef [1] => SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed FROM nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_item as i WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber AND i.icat = c.catid AND i.idraft = 0 AND i.iblog = 1 AND i.iblog = 1 and i.inumber=0 AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' ORDER BY i.itime DESC LIMIT -4,4 [2] => 0 [3] => 1 [4] => 1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/NP_ShowBlogs.php [line] => 463 [function] => _showUsingQuery [class] => NP_ShowBlogs [object] => NP_ShowBlogs Object ( [maxamount] => 0 [is_db_sqlite] => [is_db_mysql] => 1 [_aOptionValues] => Array ( ) [_aOptionToInfo] => Array ( [global_catnametoshow] => Array ( [oid] => 15 [default] => 0 ) [global_stickmode] => Array ( [oid] => 16 [default] => 1 ) ) [plugin_options] => Array ( [catnametoshow] => 0 [stickmode] => 1 ) [plugid] => 2 [plugin_dir_type] => 1 [plugin_admin_dir] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/showblogs/ [plugin_admin_url_prefix] => [skintype] => index [currPage] => 2 [pagestr] => page/ [showAdCode] => 1 [nowbid] => 1 [tagSelected] => 1 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => stylishdef [1] => SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(i.itime) as timestamp, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed FROM nucleus_member as m, nucleus_category as c, nucleus_item as i WHERE i.iauthor = m.mnumber AND i.icat = c.catid AND i.idraft = 0 AND i.iblog = 1 AND i.iblog = 1 and i.inumber=0 AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' AND i.itime <= '2024-10-23 05:29:02' ORDER BY i.itime DESC [2] => -4 [3] => 4 [4] => BLOG Object ( [blogid] => 1 [selectedcatid] => 0 [isValid] => 1 [settings] => Array ( [bnumber] => 1 [bname] => 「まさ」のあれこれWeblog [bshortname] => masaweblog [bdesc] => [bcomments] => 1 [bmaxcomments] => 0 [btimeoffset] => 0.0 [bnotify] => masa@moto84.com [burl] => https://masa.moto84.com/blog/ [bupdate] => [bdefskin] => 1 [bpublic] => 1 [bconvertbreaks] => 1 [bdefcat] => 1 [bnotifytype] => 3 [ballowpast] => 1 [bincludesearch] => 1 [breqemail] => 0 [bfuturepost] => 0 [bauthorvisible] => 1 ) ) [5] => 0 ) ) [3] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/ACTIONS.php [line] => 1214 [function] => doSkinVar [class] => NP_ShowBlogs [object] => NP_ShowBlogs Object ( [maxamount] => 0 [is_db_sqlite] => [is_db_mysql] => 1 [_aOptionValues] => Array ( ) [_aOptionToInfo] => Array ( [global_catnametoshow] => Array ( [oid] => 15 [default] => 0 ) [global_stickmode] => Array ( [oid] => 16 [default] => 1 ) ) [plugin_options] => Array ( [catnametoshow] => 0 [stickmode] => 1 ) [plugid] => 2 [plugin_dir_type] => 1 [plugin_admin_dir] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/plugins/showblogs/ [plugin_admin_url_prefix] => [skintype] => index [currPage] => 2 [pagestr] => page/ [showAdCode] => 1 [nowbid] => 1 [tagSelected] => 1 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => index [1] => stylishdef [2] => 6 [3] => [4] => 2 ) ) [4] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/PARSER.php [line] => 135 [function] => parse_plugin [class] => ACTIONS [object] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object *RECURSION* [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => ShowBlogs [1] => stylishdef [2] => 6 [3] => [4] => 2 ) ) [5] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/PARSER.php [line] => 144 [function] => doAction [class] => PARSER [object] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object *RECURSION* ) [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => plugin ) ) [6] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/PARSER.php [line] => 88 [function] => doAction [class] => PARSER [object] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object *RECURSION* ) [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => ShowBlogs ) ) [7] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/SKIN.php [line] => 223 [function] => parse [class] => PARSER [object] => PARSER Object ( [actions] => Array ( [0] => otherblog [1] => plugin [2] => version [3] => nucleusbutton [4] => include [5] => phpinclude [6] => parsedinclude [7] => loginform [8] => sitevar [9] => otherarchivelist [10] => otherarchivedaylist [11] => otherarchiveyearlist [12] => self [13] => adminurl [14] => todaylink [15] => archivelink [16] => member [17] => ifcat [18] => category [19] => searchform [20] => referer [21] => skinname [22] => skinfile [23] => set [24] => if [25] => else [26] => endif [27] => elseif [28] => ifnot [29] => elseifnot [30] => charset [31] => bloglist [32] => addlink [33] => addpopupcode [34] => sticky [35] => blog [36] => blogsetting [37] => preview [38] => additemform [39] => categorylist [40] => archivelist [41] => archivedaylist [42] => archiveyearlist [43] => nextlink [44] => prevlink ) [handler] => ACTIONS Object ( [skintype] => index [linkparams] => [skin] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [formdata] => Array ( [id] => 1 [query] => ) [amountfound] => 8 [level] => 0 [if_conditions] => Array ( ) [if_execute] => Array ( ) [if_currentlevel] => 1 [strHighlight] => [aHighlight] => Array ( ) [parser] => PARSER Object *RECURSION* ) [delim] => (<%|%>) [pdelim] => , [norestrictions] => 0 ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => 40代からのランニング 「まさ」のあれこれウェイブログ <%TagEX(title)%> <%Benchmark%>

=40才迄にフルマラソン挑戦記(終了)= =50才迄に3つの挑戦記(終了)= =   フリーCGI  他   = =    倉     庫    =


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) ) [8] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/nucleus/libs/globalfunctions.inc.php [line] => 653 [function] => parse [class] => SKIN [object] => SKIN Object ( [isValid] => 1 [id] => 1 [description] => stylish [contentType] => text/html [includeMode] => skindir [includePrefix] => stylish/ [name] => stylish ) [type] => -> [args] => Array ( [0] => index ) ) [9] => Array ( [file] => /virtual/moto84/public_html/masa.moto84.com/blog/index.php [line] => 8 [function] => selector [args] => Array ( ) ) )

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-08/01 マカニ・トモ

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